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The blockchain for data

Flare is a full-stack layer 1 solution designed for data intensive use cases.

Building with the best

LayerZero logo
Google Cloud
Hex Trust
Enshrined Data Protocols
Ethereum Virtual Machine



1.9s avg block time with single-slot finality


100 Data Providers

3.3% maximum stake per data provider


FLR Staked

of which, 80% is from the community

Build on Flare

Leverage Flare’s full-stack data solutions in your decentralized application.

import "@flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contracts/flare/ContractRegistry.sol";
import "@flarenetwork/flare-periphery-contracts/flare/FtsoV2Interface.sol";

contract FtsoV2Consumer {
    FtsoV2Interface internal ftsoV2;

    function getFlrUsdPrice() external returns
        (uint256 value, int8 decimals, uint64 timestamp) {
        ftsoV2 = ContractRegistry.getFtsoV2();
        return ftsoV2.getFeedById(0x01464c522f55534400000000000000000000000000);
import { Web3 } from "web3";

export async function main() {
  const w3 = new Web3(RPC_URL);
  const ftsov2 = new w3.eth.Contract(JSON.parse(ABI), FTSOV2_ADDRESS);
  const res = await ftsov2.methods
    "Value: %s, Decimals: %s, Timestamp: %s", res["0"], res["1"], res["2"],
import asyncio
from web3 import AsyncHTTPProvider, AsyncWeb3

async def main() -> None:
    w3 = AsyncWeb3(AsyncHTTPProvider(RPC_URL))
    ftsov2 = w3.eth.contract(address=FTSOV2_ADDRESS, abi=ABI)
    res = await ftsov2.functions.getFeedById(
    print(f"Value: {res[0]}, Decimals: {res[1]}, Timestamp {res[2]}")
use alloy::{providers::ProviderBuilder, sol};
use eyre::Result;


async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().on_http(RPC_URL);
    let ftsov2 = FtsoV2::new(FTSOV2_ADDRESS, provider);
    let FtsoV2::getFeedByIdReturn { _0, _1, _2 } = ftsov2
    println!("Value:{}, Decimals:{}, Timestamp{}", _0, _1, _2);
package main

import (

func FtsoV2Consumer() {
  client, _ := ethclient.Dial(RPC_URL)
  ftsov2, _ := NewFtsoV2(FTSOV2_ADDRESS, client)
  var res []interface{}
  opts := &bind.CallOpts{Context: context.Background()}
    opts, &res, "getFeedById", "0x01464c522f55534400000000000000000000000000"
  fmt.Println("Value: %i, Decimals: %i, Timestamp: %i", res[0], res[1], res[2])

Participate in Flare


Group of people sit in front of sign with Flare logo that says The Blockchain For Data

ETHGlobal Brussels

Group of people at a flare event

Flare [Dev] Meetup: Bangalore Edition

Two women smiling at a Flare event

ETH London Hackathon

Flare events

Join us at events across the globe

Small red and white spheres form an amorphous shape
Speaker at a Flare event

Token2049 Dubai

Conference room full of people at a Flare event

ETH London Hackathon

Group of people sit at long table outside at Flare event, some on their laptops

ETHGlobal Brussels

Two people speak at a Flare event

ETHGlobal Brussels

Group of people sit in front of sign with Flare logo that says The Blockchain For Data

ETHGlobal Brussels

Group of people at a flare event

Flare [Dev] Meetup: Bangalore Edition

Two women smiling at a Flare event

ETH London Hackathon

Flare events

Join us at events across the globe

Small red and white spheres form an amorphous shape
Speaker at a Flare event

Token2049 Dubai

Conference room full of people at a Flare event

ETH London Hackathon

Group of people sit at long table outside at Flare event, some on their laptops

ETHGlobal Brussels

Two people speak at a Flare event

ETHGlobal Brussels

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