
利用 Tenderly 简化 Flare dApp 开发流程

Flare is pleased to announce that Tenderly has integrated with Flare, bringing its suite of developer tools to Flare builders.

Tenderly offers industry-leading solutions for debugging, simulation, and production infrastructure that will empower Flare developers to streamline dApp development and testing.

How will Flare developers benefit from the integration?

Tenderly offers developers a comprehensive suite of tools and infrastructure that is designed to make dApp development simpler, more efficient, and scalable – all the way through to production.

Some key benefits include:

Scalable, high-performance Node RPC – As the only Node RPC with built-in development infrastructure, Tenderly allows users to scale with multiregional dApp traffic routing and soft rate limits. Users are also given accurate gas estimates to prevent out-of-gas transaction failures, and integrated monitoring for quick response to events.

Debugging tools – Tenderly also helps identify and resolve bugs efficiently via the Tenderly Debugger tool. Transactions can be inspected trace by trace, with the cause of a bug pinpointed down to the line of code.

Customizable Virtual TestNets – In lieu of public testnets, developers can use Tenderly’s Virtual TestNets to privately test their dApps. Tenderly will sync with the latest state of Flare for the most recent on-chain data, and fully customize their TestNet environments to fit their needs. This includes being able to create unlimited faucets for native and ERC-20 tokens.

Transaction simulation – In order to prevent errors and save on costs, developers can use Tenderly to preview transaction outcomes or analyze gas usage per function call before deployment.

How can I get started?

Builders on Flare can start leveraging Tenderly today to build scalable and efficient dApps, utilizing the full range of developer tools that Tenderly offers.

Refer to the Flare Developer Hub for more resources.